Saturday 18 April 2020


While Australians dream about where their next NSW adventure might be, many of the State’s tourism operators are helping keep the NSW conversation alive in the world of virtual reality. Below are just some of the many innovative ways in which businesses are showcasing their products and experiences:

Sydney Dance Company: Anyone looking to keep their body moving, spirits up and mind at ease can enjoy Sydney Dance Company’s Virtual Studio. There’s a dance class for everyone, at any experience level. Download the Sydney Dance Company app to book and schedule a Virtual Studio class.

Mudgee Region Tourism: As a further show of support for local businesses, Mudgee Region Tourism has unveiled ‘Feel the Love Virtually’, an innovative pivot of its ‘Feel The Love’ campaign launched earlier this year. ‘Feel the Love Virtually’ features a dedicated website offering more than 30 visitor experiences, online sales, wine master classes, cooking segments, Q&A with businesses and much more.

Symbio Zoo: This family-owned and operated zoo has launched a ‘Letters of Happiness’ app, a new initiative which gives children an opportunity to write a letter to their favourite animal and receive a personalised response. A great activity for the kids these school holidays!

Destination NSW features innovative businesses and attractions like these in each edition of Insights with the aim of inspiring other tourism operators to develop new and different ways to promote their products and experiences to audiences worldwide.

If your business has a virtual tour or online experience you’d like to share with the thousands of Insights readers please email

Alternatively, if you know of other experiences not promoted here, please join the movement and share them on social media using the hashtag #LoveNSW.

Please follow VisitNSW (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) and Sydney (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) for holiday inspiration and a showcase of NSW’s best attractions and experience

Destination NSW

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