Saturday 18 April 2020


Destination NSW this week treated national travel and lifestyle media to a virtual sunset yoga session at the iconic Bondi Icebergs.

This was the first in Destination NSW’s new series of #LoveNSW virtual workshops for media, with this particular event promoting the state’s many health and wellness experiences and products.

Sydney yoga instructor Evangeline Yuen led the session for 52 media, using a downloadable Destination NSW Zoom backdrop of Bondi Icebergs as the setting for her practice.

Participants were invited to ‘take some time out' from #iso to engage in the virtual experience so they could share it with their audiences and inspire future visitors to enjoy such activities in person when it’s safe to do so.

The yoga practice will continue over the coming six weeks, during which Evangeline will use different virtual backdrops to take the class to different inspiring and calming locations across NSW. Under normal circumstances Evangeline conducts yoga retreats in regional NSW, with the next session scheduled to be held in the Hunter Valley later this year.

To complement the session, Destination NSW also offered tips about how to transform the home environment into a holiday spa with a selection of take-home treasures from NSW wellness retreats and holistic hotspots. Suggestions included Kakadu Brightening Serum from Gaia Retreat & Spa in Byron Bay, stay-at-home PJs from Edited and Co in Mudgee, and a volcanic stone diffuser from Curators Collective in Jugiong.

Destination NSW

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