Wednesday 11 June 2014

The New York Times raves about Perth

The New York Times listed Perth as number nine on its 52 Places to Go in 2014, and left one of its writers, a New Yorker, 'mesmerized'. The article read:

“The capital of Western Australia, where some 1.8 of the state's two million residents live, left this New Yorker mesmerized: Could a city really be so easy, breezy, green and pristine — so positively livable? I'd thought Williamsburg was hipster heaven; it pales beside Perth.

“Conjure up a city embodying all things right about cities. Assuming you lean toward the progressive, I'll wager your rendering includes the following: multiple parks and waterfronts; spotless subways and free public buses; restaurant menus with organic, locally sourced food and wine; cool bars in heritage buildings; and pop-up everything, from farmers' markets to cinema and yoga.

“Every day of my 13-day stay was sunny, and I mean not-a-cloud-in-the-sky sunny, almost synthetically sunny.”

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