Friday 15 July 2022


Sri Lanka
As our past updates read, the discontent in Sri Lanka has worsened in recent weeks as our cash-strapped island stopped receiving fuel shipments, forcing school closures and rationing of petrol and diesel for essential services. In the culmination of Months of protest, July 9th Protest called by the general public was to dismantle the Rajapaksa political dynasty that has ruled Sri Lanka for most of the past two decades. The country has been on the headlines in most international media when peaceful protestors from all walks of life, converged into Galle Face, in downtown Colombo.

Hundreds of thousands descended on the capital Colombo, calling for the incumbent President & the Prime Minister to resign after months of protests over economic mismanagement. Since then, The President has announced he will step down after protesters stormed his official residence, The Presidential secretariat, The Prime Minister’s office and set the prime minister's Private house on fire.

Though the entire proceedings were largely peaceful, setting Prime Minister's private residence on fire by some extremist elements is largely condemned by the general public of Sri Lanka.

Despite the security forces using water cannons, firing in the air and using tear gas to disperse protestors, the sheer numbers of the protesters managed to break through security cordons placed by police and finally take over the Presidential Palace, the Presidential secretariat as well as the Prime Minister’s office demanding the resignation of them both.

The government's corruption, inefficiencies, and malpractices over the years have crippled the economy compounded by the inability of the government to source and supply fuel, gas and fertilizers for months resulting in long queues around the Island.

Political leaders are due to hold further meetings to discuss a smooth transition of power. Sri Lanka's military has appealed to people to cooperate with security forces to maintain calm.

It must be mentioned that though the entire day’s protest has been peaceful, except few incidents of violence in Colombo city, all others parts of the island remain very peaceful. All tourist movements in the country are proceeding uninterrupted & we are in constant touch with all our clients on the ground.

Meanwhile, the long-awaited shipment of Gas and Fertilizer reached the Port of Colombo and will be distributed today, (11th July).

In case you need further clarity, please feel free to contact your travel consultant at Authenticities.

Warm wishes,
Team at Authenticities
“La Forteresse” No 68, Wehera Kanda Road,
Beddagana, Pita Kotte,Kotte, Western Province 00700
Sri Lanka

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