Tuesday 9 May 2023

Rare bird spotting in the USA

The USA is home to some of the world’s rarest species including the Gunnison Sage Grouse, which is endemic to the USA and only documented as a new species in 2000. 

SWAROVSKI OPTIK, which specialises in binoculars, spotting scopes and long-range optical instruments has worked with birder, environmentalist and author Dr Mya Rose Craig to highlight some of these rare species and the best places in the USA to spot them. 

Gunnison Sage Grouse in Colorado 

The only grouse endemic to the USA was only proscribed as a new species in 2000 - making it the first new avian species to be described to science from the USA since the 19th century. 

It has been reduced to less than 1800 birds in just seven counties in south-western Colorado and one in south-eastern Utah. www.visitutah.com 

The best chance of spotting the Gunnison Sage Grouse is to visit areas of sagebush in South West Colorado during early Spring. 

This is when males congregate on leks (open areas adjacent to dense sagebrush stands) during early morning and early evening to perform elaborate strutting displays to attract females. www.siskadee.org, www.colorado.com 

Wintering Whooping Cranes on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge on Texas Coast 

This is one of two crane species native to North America, named after its whooping sound, and is endangered.
It was down to just 21 wild and two captive whooping cranes by 1941 but conservation efforts there are now up to 800 birds, which is still nowhere near a healthy number. 

Breeding populations can be seen wintering along the Gulf coast of Texas, United States, and near Rockport on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, a protected area on the southwest side of the San Antonio Bay. www.fws.gov/refuge/aransas and www.traveltexas.com 

Varied Thrush on West Coast of North America 

These birds are typically easier to hear than see due to the individual call which usually marks the start of Autumn. 

It is possible to see the bird on its breeding grounds and wet forests as far north as Alaska down to northern California before it migrates South. During Autumn, they usually head to lower levels and can be spotted in parks or even gardens. www.visittheusa.com 

Kirtland’s Warbler in Ontario, Wisconsin and Michigan in Spring and Summer 

A small songbird, Kirtland’s Warbler is also known as the jack pine warbler in Michigan. 

It almost became extinct nearly 50 years ago but due to a conservation program, population numbers have recovered. 

The birds spend the spring and summer in their breeding range in Ontario, Wisconsin or Michigan, before wintering along the Gulf coast of Texas and near Rockport on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. www.visittheusa.co.uk/state/wisconsin 

Elf Owl in New Mexico, Baha Californian Peninsula, Arizona and Texas in Spring and Summer 

The world’s smallest owl is about the size of a sparrow and lives in New Mexico, Baja Californian peninsula, Arizona and Texas. 

Often living in woodpecker holes in cacti, it is nocturnal and feeds primarily on insects. 

The Elf Owl is known to migrate in large groups, with patterns of migration varying depending on flock and habitat location. 

When handled or grasped the pretend to be dead, an adaption that encourages a predator to relax its grip so that the owl can escape. 

There is a good chance of seeing the Elf Owl in the dry thorn forests of the Southern border of the USA and Mexico, or when broods migrate to the South-western areas of California, Arizona and Texas during Spring and Summer to breed. www.visittheusa.com 

Dr Mya-Rose Craig Dr Mya-Rose 

Craig D.Sc is a BritishBangladeshi birder, conservationist & environmentalist committed to conservation while respecting indigenous peoples and highlighting Global Climate Justice. www.birdgirluk.com 

*Source: Sarah Salord at swarovskioptik@gecpr.co.uk

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