Monday 3 June 2019


Minister for Tourism Stuart Ayres, Destination Southern
Highlands Group Manager Tourism and Economic
Development Steve Rosa and Member for
Wollondilly Nathaniel Smith
Members of NSW Parliament have gathered with pie-makers from the Southern 'Pielands' Highlands to officially launch Pie Time 2019, a month-long celebration which takes place across the month of June.

Minister for Tourism Stuart Ayres was joined by the Member for Wollondilly Nathaniel Smith and the Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman in the Speaker's Garden to mark the occasion.

They met with a strong contingent of Pie Time participants including local bakers, pie makers, wine makers and tourism operators who travelled from the Southern Highlands to explore what's on offer at this year's Pie Time, and give guests a sample of the region's tasty pies.

Mr Smith opened the event, praising the efforts of Destination Southern Highlands in helping drive tourism in the region.

"It's campaigns like 'Pie Time' which have seen tourism to the Wingecarribee area grow over the years, and since March 2011, we've seen an increase to nearly 584,000 international and domestic overnight and day trip visitors to the region - a growth of 43 per cent."

Minister Ayres also recognised the impact of the NSW Government's work across the State to drive regional tourism.

"In NSW, tourism is the lifeblood of our State, contributing more than $31 billion in total overnight expenditure to our economy and employing more than 171,000 people. The passion and innovation of our local producers vignerons, chefs and restauranteurs are the backbone of this vibrant industry."

Steve Rosa, Destination Southern Highlands Group Manager Tourism and Economic Development was excited to launch the event, speaking to the growing success of one of the region's signature events.

"The month of June has now become known as Pie Time in the Southern Highlands - a celebration of the great Aussie pie where there are 30 days and 100s of ways to enjoy and experience pies."

Pie Time runs from 1 to 30 June in the NSW Southern Highlands. For more information on Pie Time, visit

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