Saturday 4 May 2019

Micro-Art Is the Next Big Thing: Now Showing at Art Series Hotels

Art Series Hotels has launched their 'Art in Micro' exhibition - one of the world's biggest (smallest) art exhibitions.

Art in Micro will transform all Art Series hotels across Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide - exhibiting over 40 micro artworks from artists around the globe.

Micro-Art has taken the world by storm, and this represents one of the biggest micro-art exhibitions ever seen (if you look carefully) in Australia.

Guests who stay at any of the eight Art Series hotels from 12th April to 31st July 2019, will be given a magnifying glass at check-in and encouraged to search for every micro art piece around the hotel.

Accor Chief Operating Officer Pacific, Simon McGrath, says “We have a rich history of supporting and exploring contemporary art forms, and believe micro-art will be of particular fascination with all of our guests.”

“Across the eight of our Art Series hotels, over 40 pieces of micro-art have either been purchased directly from artists around the world or have been loaned,” McGrath says.

“We're extremely excited to give our guests this unique experience while continuing to support a different type of art form, we've all had the joy of learning so much about,” Art Series Hotel's Marketing Director, Ryan Tuckerman says.

While micro-art is still relatively new to the average Australian, micro-art has been making waves in the art industry for the last 15 years. Joshua Smith, an artist from Adelaide, has been mastering this art form.

Smith has created bespoke works for the exhibition which will be showcased at the eight hotels. Other artists supplying works for this exhibition are from all around the world, including Russia and Hawaii.

Smith says, “With the increase attention in micro art, we've seen artists such as UK's Willard Wigan, creating works of art which are selling for tens of thousands of dollars around the world.

I have always been fascinated by miniatures ever since I was a little kid seeing model kits and model trains. I never knew that many years later I would be doing the same thing and making a career from it.”

Helping curate the exhibition, is Melbourne Brunswick gallery owner, Jon Beinart of Beinart Gallery.

Beinart says, “I've always had a fascination in micro and miniature art. Impossibly tiny replicas of real-world objects and places appeal to the small child in me, and evoke a sense of wonder. They conjure up imagery of tiny humans going about their everyday lives, like the stuff of fairytales.

I am in awe of the technical mastery and concentration involved in the creation of tiny artworks and I love the idea of someone putting so much of themselves into an artwork, that could so easily be overlooked. Miniatures and micro-art are like precious jewels waiting to be unearthed and explored.”

Art in Micro is being exhibited at all eight Arts Series Hotels from 12th April until 31st July 2019.

For more information about Arts Series Hotels, visit

For social media please use @artserieshotels and #artinmicro

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