Sunday 5 May 2013

Kenya Airways Collaborates With Born Free To Tackle Wildlife Poaching

In an effort to curb the tide of wildlife poaching in Africa, Kenya Airways has formed a new partnership with Born Free Foundation whereby the two organisations will not only contribute towards anti-poaching campaigns and conservation of wildlife conservation in Africa, but also partner to raise funds for such initiatives.

One such event will take place this Friday, 03 May in Cape Town at a star studded VIP gala evening at Moyo at the V&A Waterfront.

The charity's founder, legendary actress and conservationist Virginia McKenna OBE who starred in the classic film 'Born Free' is also set to attend. At the event, a spectacular pride of 30 lion sculptures will go on auction to raise funds. As a result of their partnership with the Born Free Foundation, Kenya Airways will be auctioning off their own lion to raise funds.

The lions have already made international news around the world, with Queen guitar legend Brian May & singing sensation Kerry Ellis flying into Cape Town to announce the lions arrival and South Africa's platinum selling recording artists, The Parlotones, performing on stage and calling for support.

Kenya Airways Group CEO, Titus Naikuni, said that the airline had entered the partnership to make a contribution towards conservation of African wildlife. "With the threat facing wildlife, which is our heritage in Africa, it is important for the private sector to get more involved in stopping the vice," Dr. Naikuni added. To coincide with this event, Naikuni announced the launch of the airline's Change Brings Change campaign, with Born Free as their main beneficiary.

The campaign will commence on-board their flights from 01 June to support the Born Free Foundation in there initiatives to tackle poaching in Kenya.

The partnership comes in the wake of a surge in wildlife poaching across Africa with elephants and rhinos among the worst hit. Concern is growing amongst conservationists that the endangered African Elephant is currently grappling with what could be the worst crisis to ever hit them since 1989 when international commercial trade in ivory was prohibited.

The founder of Born Free Foundation, Virginia McKenna said that it requires joint efforts from different players to mount a successful war against wildlife poaching and other such vices. "The private sector in Africa should take a more critical role in preventing animal suffering and protecting the endangered species," McKenna added.

Wildlife remains one of Kenya's greatest natural assets. Attracting tourists in droves, the country's rich plant and animal life has earned billions of shillings in revenue, besides a top spot as one of the most irresistible tourist destinations in the world. The multiplier effect of the economic benefits of Kenya's wildlife is huge, sustaining many hundreds of thousands of livelihoods, both directly and indirectly. Thus, any threat to wildlife is an issue that cries out for the attention not only of the Kenyan people for whom it is an intrinsic aspect of their national heritage, but also the global community. The recent spike in wildlife poaching across the country, and which is believed to be driven by organized crime syndicates requires immediate action.

But no wildlife law enforcement agency can overcome the challenges on its own. According to Kenya Airways' Naikuni, "Now is the time for concerted efforts from each one of us if this barbaric crime is to be eliminated, our heritage safeguarded for the good of wildlife and the immense benefits it can deliver to be secured."

He added, "The task of conserving wildlife is not just the responsibility of KWS which is the government agency tasked with the responsibility of conserving and managing wildlife, nor can it be the responsibility of the citizens alone."

It is in recognition of the collective nature of this responsibility for protecting and conserving wildlife that national carrier Kenya Airways, the Pride of Africa, has entered into this partnership with the Born Free Foundation.

"Through this initiative, we intend to have envelopes in all our flights, so that our customers can make donations towards effective wildlife protection. These funds which can be donated in any currency and in any denomination will then be channelled towards priority initiatives to conserve and protect wildlife. This is kind of a boost that KWS and other conservation organizations need to protect and conserve our extraordinary wildlife," said Naikuni.

About Pride of Cape Town

Pride of Cape Town is a world class, major public arts event that sees a fabulous pride of life-size lion sculptures, designed and painted by talented local artists, prowling the iconic V&A Waterfront for 8 weeks in aid of international wildlife charity, the Born Free Foundation. The lion sculptures showcase the creativity of Cape Town; its heritage, architecture, regeneration and arts scene, as well as raise awareness of the plight of big cats in Africa. The event will culminate in a charity auction, with net proceeds from the sale of the lion sculptures being donated to Born Free.

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