Wednesday 10 May 2023

Patagonia Park Argentina

Patagonia Park Argentina
The Patagonia Park Argentina is a lesser known area of Patagonia, and one that is different to that found in Chile. 

Patagonia Park Argentina brings together local communities, government institutions, and conservation organisations in a conservation model in which wildlife and people thrive by protecting, restoring, and experiencing the natural ecosystems that sustain them. 

Recent investment from the Freyja Foundation and Rewilding Argentina has resulted in new attractions, allowing tourists to experience its full beauty and natural phenomena. 

The Cueva de las Manos 

The Cueva de las Manos (The Cave of the Hands) is a site with 9,300 year old cave paintings from ancient indigenous communities. 

The cave is located in the east side of the park, next to Portal Cañadón Pinturas, one of the three main entrances to Patagonia Park Argentina.

Walking trails 

Some 60km of new trails spanning have already been created giving the chance to explore the terrain with. 

The trails are expertly built by a team of veteran trail builders who specialise in creating hiking routes that blend into the landscape. 

The terrain is different across Patagonia and short walks and longer treks offer the chance to get close to native flora and fauna. 

The shortest trail within Patagonia Park Argentina is 2.6km and can be completed within 1hr. 

The longest is a 25km circuit, taking 6 hours to complete for experienced hikers, and includes more remote landscapes and canyons. 

Camping out 

Three new campsites allow travellers to sleep out with the chance to camp inside of a canyon at Portal Cañadón Pinturas or pitch up amongst the wilderness at La Señalada. 

All campsites allow users to cook on an open fire and enjoy locally brewed beer or a glass of Argentinian wine. 

There is also La Posta de Los Toldos, a solar-powered eco-lodge, open during peak summer season (November – April). 


In November 2023 (the start of the next summer season), travellers will be able to visit the new Planetarium and Interpretation Centre, funded by the late Argentinian scientist and philanthropist, Elsa Rosenvasser Feher. 

The wildlife 

The Patagonia Park Argentina is run by Rewilding Argentina, an organisation dedicated to re-populating key species crucial to local ecosystems. 

The puma, guanaco, viscacha and condor (the largest bird on earth) are some of the animals and birds that can be viewed. 

Private tours for puma spotting are also available. 

Rewilding Argentina 

The Park project is led by Rewilding Argentina’s work in the park which is supported through a grantee relationship by the Freyja Foundation and the Wyss Foundation. 

The rewilding program is responsible for the rewilding of the highly endangered Huemul deer, Puma, Guanaco, Austral Rail, Southern Rhea, Wolffsohn’s viscacha, Coypu and Pampas Cat. 

Rewilding Argentina plans to extend these efforts to rewilding the Andean Condor as the ninth native species. 

The Freyja Foundation 

The Freyja Foundation is a private, charitable organisation dedicated to supporting scalable and lasting conservation solutions that protect wild places and combat the climate crisis. 

*Source: Lizzie Elkin at

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