Sunday 4 February 2018

Top ten cultural, sport, tourism events in 2017

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on January 10 announced the top ten cultural, sport and tourism events in 2017, which were voted by over 150 journalists nationwide the previous day.

Following is the list of standout events:

Outstanding cultural events:

-Xoan singing and the art of Bai Choi were added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
-Viet Nam’s image shines in the film “Kong: Skull island”.
-Overriding impression on “Russian Cultural Days in Viet Nam”

Outstanding sporting events:

-The successful performance of the Vietnamese sport delegation at SEA Games 29
-Viet Nam’s female football team was crowned SEA Games champions for the fifth time.
-Impressive achievement of Vietnamese track and fields 

Outstanding tourism events:

- Record growth in number of foreign visitors.
- 2017 Law on Tourism was adopted to bolster tourism development.
- The Politburo approved a Resolution on developing tourism into the country’s spearhead economic sector.
- Vietnamese tourism sector won many prestigious awards of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.

Source: VNA

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