Friday 19 January 2024

New Year 2024 holiday: Vietnam serves 3.2 million visitor arrivals

Photo: Collection
During the New Year 2024 holiday, there are several positive signs from tourism activities in the whole 3 regions of Vietnam. In 3 days of New Year holiday (from 30th December 2023 to 1st January 2024), it is estimated that the whole country has served about 3.2 million tourist arrivals, an increase of 6.6% over the same period in 2023.

The average room capacity of tourist accommodation establishments reached nearly 50%, with some tourist centres across the country recording higher capacity, about 70%.

On 14th August 2023, the Government issued Resolution No. 127/NQ-CP on implementing the application of electronic visas for citizens of all countries and territories; and Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP increasing the temporary stayduration to 45 days for 13 countries with unilateral visa exemption. The implementation of these two Resolutions has created favourable conditions for international visitors to Vietnam. In some key tourist areas, positive signals continue to be recorded, especially cruise passengers - a high-end tourist stream.

International visitors come mainly from the markets of Korea, China, Japan, US, Australia, Europe, Thailand, and India. Among localities, Ha Noi is estimated to welcome 72,000 international visitor arrivals, an increase of 2.1 times compared to the same period in 2023; Ho Chi Minh City welcomes 46,500 arrivals, an increase of 86.1%; Lao Cai welcomes 20,500 arrivals; Da Nang welcomes 434 international flights, an increase of 100% over the same period in 2023, over 2,000 cruise ship passengers; Khanh Hoa welcomes 169 international flights with about 31,000 passengers; Quang Ninh welcomed 2 super yachts with 3,700 international guests during the day of 31st December 2023 and 1st January 2024…

To meet the demands of tourists for sightseeing, recreation, and relaxation, localities have proactively innovated and built diverse tourism products, and deployed many promotional programmes and accompanying service packages... to attract and increase spending and duration of stay.

The highlight of this year's holiday season is that many localities have tested and introduced night tourism products to serve tourists. Tourism products associated with the cultural characteristics of ethnic minorities are example. .In addition, the demand for local culture with unique highland experiential tours is also increasing, especially for tourist groups in the Central and Southern regions. Ecotours and vacation near home are also preferred by many tourists.

The total number of visitors during the New Year holiday in some key tourist areas increased.

A typical example is Ho Chi Minh City is expected to welcome and serve 1.65 million visitor arrivals. Average room occupancy is estimated at about 87%, total tourist receipts is estimated at VND 6,400 billion, an increase of more than 7% over the same period. Khanh Hoa is estimated to welcome and serve 465,900 visitor arrivals, with an average room occupancy rate of about 73%. Total tourist receipts is estimated at VND 498 billion. Ha Noi welcomed and served 402,000 visitor arrivals, an increase of 65% over the same period in 2023. Lam Dong welcomed and served more than 160,000 visitor arrivals, an increase of about 33% over the same period in 2023. Lao Cai welcomed and served 155,600 visitor arrivals, an increase of 27%; total tourist receipts is estimated at VND 467 billion, up 9%. Binh Dinh welcomed and served 129,900 arrivals, an increase of 85%. Kien Giang welcomed and served 120,700 arrivals, with an average room occupancy rate of about 63%; Total tourist receipts is estimated at VND 369 billion. Quang Nam welcomed and served 103,000 visitor arrivals, an increase of 130%; Average room occupancy is estimated at 80 - 90%. Nghe An welcomed and served 90,000 visitor arrivals, an increase of 12%; Total tourist receipts is estimated at more than VND 200 billion.

Tourism business activities at businesses and tourist accommodation establishments are bustling. At tourist areas and destinations, many events take place vibrantly, attracting a large number of visitors and experiences.

These results above show a positive sign for the entire industry's goal of welcoming 17 - 18 million international visitor arrivals in 2024.
* Tourism Information Technology Center
* Tags: #New Year, #tourist, #visitor, #Vietnam,

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