Thursday 7 December 2023

Binh Thuan takes advantage of using typical cultures in tourism promotion

Typical cultures are helpful in tourism promotion, specifically, it was shown in the 2023 Lang Son Introduction Program organized recently by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Thuan and Lang Son provinces in Phan Thiet City. This is also a supportive activity for the Visit Vietnam Year 2023, "Binh Thuan - Green Tourism Comes Together".

This event is a bridge for the two localities to introduce the tourism potential and strengths of Lang Son province; Then, it would attract tourism and cruise businesses in Vietnam to invest in the construction and exploitation of tourism products, tours, and routes in an effective, sustainable, and suitable with the local situation and trends of the tourists in the coming time.

Lang Son province introduced the province's tourism development situation, outstanding destinations; tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Lang Son is known as a mountainous province in the Northeast and the gateway of the Nation with a history of formation and development, along with a long-term traditional culture and rich revolution tradition.

Representatives of travel companies and businesses learned about Lang Son destination.

At the event, Lang Son provided cultural values typical of the mountainous Vietnamese ethnic groups: Nung, Tay, Kinh, Dao, Mong, Hoa, San Chay... Those have created a land that contains rich national identity culture, unique festivals, and dances mixed with natural scenery. Perhaps, typical cultural images are new or familiar to some people because they have been promoted on some social media. However, at this event, Lang Son brought an identity and cultural atmosphere through an adoration performance: "Gia Chau Be Bac Le Son Lam Thuong Ngan" which was deeply in the cultural and spiritual life of Lang people.

Adoration - a unique cultural feature in Lang Son

Mr. Luu Ba Mac, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son Province, said "Lang Son aims to become one of the key tourist destinations of the Northern midland and mountainous region by 2025 with unique and competitive tourism products. Through culture and tradition, Lang Son tourism guides tourists to the land gathered many historical, cultural, and spiritual values; and special types of intangible cultural heritage, particularly, more than 280 festivals, some of which are added to the national intangible cultural heritage list, and have been recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage representative of humanity... Moreover, Lang Son is blessed with diverse and rich natural resources such as caves, rivers, lakes, ecosystems, a mild climate, and many scenic relics such as Nhi Thanh, Tam Thanh, Mac Dynasty Citadel, Nang To Thi Mountain, Mau Son Mountain.

According to Ms. Tran Thi Bich Hanh - Director of Lang Son Tourism Promotion Information Center, besides the advantage of border tourism, Lang Son develops community cultural tourism and aims to rural tourism groups. Currently, there are four strengths that help Lang Son leave its impression in the customers' hearts: rich cultural identity; specialties of the cuisine; beautiful and safe nature, and locals' friendliness and hospitality. Those are also great advantages that can create special, unique, competitive tourism products and Lang Son province tourism brand.

Mr. Luu Ba Mac shared: "To achieve that goal, Lang Son has been developing synchronous directions and solutions such as continuing to supplement and perfect mechanisms and policies, creating a favorable environment for tourism development; tourism infrastructure development; building diverse, independent tourism products with high economic value and ethnic cultural identities; creating domestic and international competitive advantages; improving links and cooperation in tourism development.

Many travel and tourism companies in Binh Thuan are interested in learning and asking necessary questions to create tour plans in the most fantastic seasons in Lang Son. If taken seriously and respected, in fact, the locality's tangible and intangible cultural heritage would be levers that create a position for tourism. Every locality that develops tourism, needs to be strict conservation, restoration, and reconstruction strategies to bring regional cultural values to many domestic and international tourists. Not only Lang Son, but many other provinces and cities can also exploit, select, and bring out the traditional culture of ethnic groups and specific intangible cultural heritages to promote local tourism.
* Source: Binh Thuan News -
* Tags: #Binh Thuan, #Visit Vietnam Year, #tourism promotion,

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