Tuesday 3 October 2023

Visitors spend more than ever before in Queensland

The latest Tourism Research Australia National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) results for the year ended June 2023 show another record result for Queensland. Visitors spent a record $33.2 billion in Queensland – the equivalent of $91 million per day.

More than 1.6 million international visitors spent $4.3 billion, putting Queensland’s international visitor spend recovery at two per cent faster than the national average.

Among the top twenty source markets, Queensland outperformed the national average in recovery in several markets, including New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, Scandinavia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Queensland also continues to  maintain its number one position as Australia's holiday destination of choice. There were 25.3 million domestic visitors in Queensland (up 16.4 per cent on last financial year), including 10.8 million holiday visitors who spent $16 billion – almost 30 per cent of total domestic holiday visitor spend in Australia and the largest share of any state or territory.

* Tourism and Events Queensland

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