Wednesday 18 October 2023

The 2nd Vietnam International Photography exhibition and awarding ceremony to take place in Binh Thuan

The Opening and Awarding Ceremony of the 2nd Photo exhibition "Vietnam through the lens of international photographers" will take place in Binh Thuan Province on 20th October 2023. This is an activity within the framework of the second Vietnam International Photography Festival (VIPF) 2023, in response to the “Visit Vietnam Year 2023 - Binh Thuan - Green Tourism comes together”.

The event organised by the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition (under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), in coordination with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Thuan Province and related units.

Vietnam International Photography Festival (VIPF) is an international-scale photography activity, held periodically every 2 years by Vietnam, the first time being successfully held in Ninh Binh Province in 2021.

VIPF is a part of project on building and promoting the National Brand "Vietnam International Photography Festival" for the period 2020 - 2030 to build brand for Vietnamese photography, aiming to promote beautiful image of the country and people of Vietnam, enhancing international exchange and cooperation through photography activities; At the same time, gather and enrich a set of photos to promote Binh Thuan culture and tourism.

After the launching from 19th April to 15th July 2023, the Organising Board of the 2nd VIPF received 2,252 works from 147 professional and amateur photographers from 15 countries and territories around the world to attend.

The Arts Council established by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has selected 200 works by 82 authors to display at the photo exhibition "Vietnam through the lens of international photographers", including 20 works by 15 Vietnamese authors and 05 foreign authors to be awarded.

The works awarded and displayed at the exhibition are beautiful photos about Vietnam, bringing a deep sense of life, culture, nature, people and the country of Vietnam; Thereby, giving a hand to promote, introduce and develop tourism of Vietnam in general and Binh Thuan - the province hosting the Visit Vietnam Year 2023 in particular to domestic and international friends.

The Opening and Awarding Ceremony of the 2nd Vietnam International Photography exhibition will take place at 8 a.m on 20th October.

The 2nd Photo Exhibition "Vietnam through the lens of international photographers" will take place from 20th October to 30th October 2023 at Ho Chi Minh Museum, Binh Thuan branch - No. 39 Trung Nhi Street, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province.

Within the framework of the VIPF in Binh Thuan, a Talk Show will take place with the theme "Photography with Green Tourism". This is content related to the main topic of the Visit Vietnam Year 2023 “Green Tourism comes together”. This is to highlight the role and strength of artistic photography in promoting and propagating policies and orientations for sustainable development and environmental protection, while also contributing a voice calling for raising awareness and joining hands for action by organisations as well as individuals in society.

Previously, from 22nd to 27th May 2023, photo exchange and creative activities in Binh Thuan took place. The programme brings together 30 outstanding photography artists from across the country, including 15 photography artists from Binh Thuan province. In 06 days of field trips to exchange and create, the photography artists took various beautiful photos of the landscape, life, people, culture and arts of Binh Thuan Province such as: Ca Ty river wharf, Mui Ne sand dunes, Mui Ne beach, Ke Ga cape landscape, Phu Quy island scenery, Phuoc The fishing wharf, Mui Ne fishing wharf, Giang Mau Cham village, Cham dance performance, sea sports; Craft villages: making pottery, making sand art, making fish sauce, hỏi and rớ cakes, steaming anchovies…

Photos taken during this exchange and creation were selected to be displayed at the exhibition and won prizes at the 2nd photo exhibition "Vietnam through the lens of international photographers".

* Tourism Information Technology Center
* Tags: Binh Thuan, VIPF, Vietnam through the lens of international photographers, Visit Vietnam Year, Green Tourism comes together, photo exhibition, award,

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