Saturday 5 August 2023

The Mistura Food Festival, Lima

The 15th anniversary of the annual Mistura Food Festival will take place during the first half of September in Lima, Peru. 

One of the largest food festivals in Latin America, it is a celebration of Peru’s diverse cuisine and culinary traditions. 

The event brings together top chefs and food vendors and gives visitors the chance to sample a wide range of Peruvian dishes, including ceviche, anticuchos (a traditional beef dish) and papa a la huancaína (boiled potatoes in a spicy, creamy sauce made of queso fresco and sautéed). 

Lima visitors can also visit Peruvian restaurant Central, by chefs Virgilio Martínez and Pia Leon, that was declared Best Restaurant in the World 2023 in the 50 Best Restaurants ranking. 

The Latin American Travel Association is represented by Lotus. 

 Katie Cosstick at

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