Thursday 3 August 2023

Striving to 2025, Quang Binh welcomes 7-8 million tourists

Overview of the conference
On the afternoon of July 21, the People's Committee of Quang Binh province held a conference to review the midterm of the implementation of Action Program No. 01-Ctr on December 9, 2020 (Program No. 01) of the Provincial Party Committee on development. Tourism really becomes a spearhead economic sector in the 2021-2025 period.

Mr. Tran Thang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the conference. Attending were Mr. Ho An Phong, Member of Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; representatives of leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province; leaders of departments, agencies, agencies, localities and businesses, investors in the field of tourism in the province.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Thang affirmed that Plan No. 117/KH-UBND dated January 22, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement Action Program No. specific tasks and solutions to successfully implement the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Committee.

In order to accelerate the recovery and develop a really strong and sustainable tourism, successfully implementing the goal of the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress is to turn tourism into a spearhead economic sector, which is very necessary. the cooperation, effort, consensus and determination of the departments, branches, local authorities, the companionship and efforts of the business community, investors and people.

At the conference, the representative of the Department of Tourism reported on the implementation of Program No. 01. In the context of socio-economic impacts deeply affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, the tourism sector has recovered. growth, towards the goal of developing tourism to truly become a spearhead economic sector.

From 2021 to now, Quang Binh tourism welcomes more than 4.65 million visitors; in which, international visitors are estimated at more than 101,500 visitors. Quang Binh tourism continues to be highly appreciated by tourists, domestic and international organizations and magazines.

Over the past time, the province has focused on mobilizing resources from the central government, capital from projects of international organizations, local budgets and promoting socialization and diversifying investment capital sources. tourism infrastructure development. Units and businesses have improved the quality of tourism products, developed new tourism products, and increased the experience for visitors.

Tourism advertising and promotion are promoted, diverse in form and rich in content. Training, fostering and developing tourism human resources are also paid attention and focus. By the end of June 2023, there were nearly 4,200 direct employees and about 9,000 indirect employees in the tourism sector.

Quang Binh tourism aims to welcome about 7-8 million visitors by 2025, of which international visitors account for 10-20%. By 2030, the contribution rate of the tourism industry will reach 10-12% of the province's GRDP growth rate.

In addition to the achieved results, Quang Binh tourism has not yet brought into full play its potential and advantages. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the workforce in the tourism sector is still being greatly affected in both quantity and quality. The tastes and needs of customers have changed greatly after the epidemic, which has set a demand for innovation, improving service quality and transforming advertising methods for businesses.

At the conference, representatives of branches, localities and businesses made recommendations, proposals and plans for the industry and province in leadership and direction; added to the tasks and direction solutions in the coming time to complete the objectives and targets of program No. 01.

Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ho An Phong acknowledged the efforts and contributions of localities, units and businesses in recovering and developing tourism after the heavy impact of the epidemic. Covid-19. The tourism industry has maintained its connection with key domestic and foreign markets, making an important contribution to the general recovery of the province's socio-economic situation.

The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also frankly pointed out the shortcomings and limitations of the Quang Binh tourism industry; At the same time, he emphasized that tourism development needs the participation of both the political system and the people. In order for tourism to truly develop worthy of its role as a spearhead of the economy, innovation and creativity are needed in the way tourism is done.

Delegates attending the conference
He expected that the tourism products under investment will contribute to increasing the experience for tourists when coming to Quang Binh, especially in winter-spring. Enterprises need to effectively exploit potentials and advantages, ensure planning, exploit tourism associated with forest management and protection.

State management agencies need to create the best conditions for businesses to invest and develop, thereby, gradually bringing tourism into depth, turning disadvantages into tourism advantages, contributing to gradually erasing the nature of tourism. Season of tourism in Quang Binh.

*Dieu Huong
Quang Binh electronic newspaper -
Key word: #Quang Binh, #tourism development, #tourism products, #tourism infrastructure,

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