Monday 16 January 2023

Mozart’s Don Giovanni is "Spine-tingling. Dramatic. Transfixing."

Mozart’s Don Giovanni

"Spine-tingling... theatrically dramatic... and a transfixing night of glorious music ★★★★"
Stage Noise

"Powerhouse performances... there is no denying the impressive scale of what has been achieved... ★★★★"

"Not at all timid, conventional or typical for the opera stage, this Don Giovanni may take some by surprise."
Sydney Arts Guide

What happens in the story?

It is the last day of Don Giovanni’s life, but he doesn’t know that.

For the libertine, it’s just another day of pleasure-seeking: breaking into a bedroom, killing a victim’s father and seducing a bride on her wedding day.

But despite his impressive track record, Don Giovanni’s luck is beginning to run out.

Mozart’s Don Giovanni
Donna Anna has sworn vengeance.

The scorned Donna Elvira is in pursuit.

Masetto wants his bride back.

And Don Giovanni has just heard a voice from beyond the grave, warning of his impending punishment.

But Don Giovanni has no fear. Half mocking, half earnest, he invites the graven statue of the man he’s just killed to dinner.

Will he come?

Not afraid of spoilers? Read the full synopsis.

Who are the main characters?

  • Don Giovanni — a nobleman living for pleasure
  • Leperello — his manservant, who both detests and envies his master for his success
  • Donna Elvira — the scorned lover
  • Donna Anna, the Commendatore & Don Ottavio — a victim, her father and her fiancé
  • Zerlina — a peasant girl who catches Don Giovanni’s eye on her wedding day
  • Masetto — her fiancé


*Source: Opera Australia, PO Box 291, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012, Australia

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