Saturday 28 March 2020


Despite the temporary closure of some of the state's tourism attractions, the industry is showing its resilience and creativity by giving arm chair travellers the opportunity to experience some of NSW’s best tourism offerings in the comfort of their own homes.

While travellers are being encouraged to plan now for future holidays in NSW, operators are enticing them through the world of virtual reality.

Below are some of the many clever ideas which operators have developed. Be sure to check out next week’s edition of Insights for more ideas on how you can support your industry colleagues and local businesses.
  • Gin Lane Chippendale: Friday after work drinks are still a thing, with the founder of Gin Lane and Blossom Bar, @grantcollinsdrinks, hosting virtual cocktail making classes via Instagram and Facebook every Friday from 3pm.
  • Wildlife Sydney: Families and animal lovers can still see some of Australia’s best wildlife with the operator running daily live streams across their social media channels.
  • Blue Gingers Picnics: Award-winning Blue Ginger Picnics is offering a selection of the finest produce from NSW North Coast delivered right to your door.
  • Centennial Vineyards: Famous for their cool-climate wines, Centennial Vineyards has a special offer for those wanting to stock up on their wine collection. Shoppers will receive a $50 discount off each dozen purchased. (Use code COVID-19, offer available until 3 April 2020).

If you know of more, please join the movement and share them on social media using the hashtag #LoveNSW. Follow VisitNSW (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) and Sydney (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) for further inspiration.

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