Monday 5 May 2014

Opera company finds new home in Heritage-listed Spring Hill Reservoirs

Brisbane’s Heritage-listed Spring Hill Reservoirs are set to become the new home for a leading Australian private opera company after being locked up and unused for decades.

Devoted to creating performance events in unusual, breathtaking spaces the Underground Opera Company (UOC) has provided a platform for professional singers and the audiences that love them for seven years.

Following negotiations over two years with the Brisbane City Council, UOC has the approval (and the keys!) to enter, clean and establish a purpose-built, high-quality performance space inside the Reservoirs. The interior is a stately, Victorian-esque space with pseudo-gothic arches and partitioned quarters conducive to comfortable, intimate seating.

A season of thirty (30) performances will be held throughout August 2014 to launch the new venue, with a maximum of 120 audience numbers per show.

“The Reservoirs are the ultimate space for our company – they are underground, rustic, earthy, conducive to good acoustics and have a special place in the historical heart of Brisbane people”, said company Director Bruce Edwards.

Built in 1871, the Reservoirs were once the main store house for drinking water extracted from hollows within Spring Hills, drawn up by the recently restored Spring Hill Windmill (Brisbane’s oldest surviving building, also Heritage-listed).

A quite achiever until recently, UOC has hosted events throughout Australia in natural, breathtaking spaces including the Jenolan Caves (Jenolan), Capricorn Caves (Rockhampton), Bli Bli Castle (Bli Bli), the Workshops Railway Museum (Ipswich), the Central Deborah Gold Mine (Bendigo) and in just a few weeks, the Hard Times Mine (Mt Isa).

“We are incredibly proud and grateful to be provided this significant opportunity by Brisbane City Council and are ecstatic to bring world-class concerts and events to the backyard of all Brisbane people”, said Mr Edwards.

Tickets for the launch season will be available for purchase from 1 May 2014 via Ticketmaster.

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