Wednesday 1 May 2013


Destination NSW has prepared a series of factsheets on six international market segments travelling to Australia and NSW for the purpose of a holiday. The fact sheets have been prepared as an industry resource, particularly for delegates attending ATE 2013, to further understand each market segment, their motivations and to provide guidance on engagement with this sector.

Today we turn our attention to the India Leisure Market. India’s overseas travel potential has been building over many years and has been the subject of numerous travel market reports. India was, in fact, identified as an ‘emerging market’ in the ‘90s, but interest in travel to Australia has continually been rising.

The nature of India’s economic development, changing attitudes towards travel, the expansion of travel infrastructure (including international airports) are increasingly coming together against the backdrop of India’s massive population. In such a scenario, even modest increases in average disposable income moves literally tens of millions of people into the market for overseas leisure travel.

Overseas travel from India is growing and growing fast. Over the past five years outbound travel from India has more than doubled and more than one source sees India as developing into a “travel giant”. The United Nations World Tourism Organisation forecast 50 million outbound travellers by 2020. A report on the India travel market by Amadeus (January2013) predicts the 4.5 million arrivals to Asia-Pacific destinations two years ago will grow to almost 70 million by 2030.

To download the fact sheet and learn more about this market segment, please visit the Destination NSW website.

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