Friday 5 January 2024


Leading real estate agency, Stockdale & Leggo, will continue its executive retreat program which has proven a winner by enhancing leadership building capabilities and boosting team morale.

According to Stockdale & Leggo Director and CEO, Charlotte Pascoe, the program is now an integral part of the company’s strategy for future success by giving key executives and staff the chance to network, while away from the office.

One of the organisation’s most successful trips was a three-day retreat to Hamilton Island, the first chance to relax in the sun since the Covid pandemic.

As part of that retreat, the agency hosted a two-day conference to give executives the chance to discuss future strategy and goal setting.

According to Pascoe the “time in paradise” helps the team build stronger business relationships away from the usual day-to-day interruptions.

“After a chaotic three years of virtual meetings and remote working, we felt that it was the perfect time to bring back these retreat events that allow our agents to focus on their work without added distractions,” Pascoe said.

Hamilton Island’s Business Events Sales Director, Julie Ford, said there has been an increase in businesses adopting corporate retreat programs now that people are returning to the office and tourism has fully reopened.

“A different environment fosters creativity and team bonding that an everyday office environment does not,” Ford said. “Post-Covid, people are all about work life balance and looking for companies that appreciate them by taking them away and encouraging collaborative planning.”

According to Pascoe, business retreats offer multitude benefits, including:
  • The opportunity to connect and network with colleagues that employees may not usually interact with,
  • Fostering the development of leadership skills in an informal environment that encourages personal connection,
  • Providing a unique and memorable experience that improves corporate culture.

“It’s so important to take time away from the office to recharge and reset so that our agents can get back into business as better leaders with a renewed energy and focus,” Pascoe said.

Stockdale & Leggo’s next Business in Paradise retreat will be Port Douglas early this year.
* Nielyn Jumao-as at

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