Sunday 17 September 2023

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha: The Government expects Tourism to be among the leading industries in national digital transformation

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha
 speaking at the Forum (Photo: TITC)
On 7th September 2023, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MOCST) coordinated with Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee to organise High-level Tourism Forum "Digital transformation in tourism development". The event was honoured to welcome the attendance and speech of H.E.Mr. Tran Hong Ha, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Highly appreciates the organisation of High-level Tourism Forum "Digital transformation in tourism development", Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha indicated that for the tourism industry, digital transformation is implemented in the entire tourism industry in order to build a smart tourism ecosystem, support state management, business tourism services, enhance experience quality for travellers.

The trend of green transformation, digital transformation, and multi-level economic linkages continues to be strongly promoted, creating new development spaces, but also poses a major challenges of internal reform to adapt to the new playing fields and rules.

For Vietnam, along with green transformation, the digital transformation is a major policy, focusing on developing a number of priority sectors and fields with high readiness, including digital tourism. However, implementing effectively digital transformation in tourism, with practical value, requires the industry to have a methodical strategy, focused implementation, and create changes in the ways of management, operation and administration of the tourism industry.

The Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha emphasised a number of key points that Vietnam is promoting and implementing:

Firstly, promulgate a national strategy for developing the digital economy and digital society by 2025, with a vision to 2030, which sets out a number of key tasks for the tourism industry such as building and organising a open data platforms on cultural heritage properties, landscapes, tourist areas, tourist attractions, tourism service facilities, and Vietnamese tourism markets so that users can enrich resources; establish tourism business and management platforms that connect supply and demand; digital museum system; Specialised training on smart tourism, digital transformation in the tourism sector at undergraduate and postgraduate training institutions in the tourism industry…

Secondly, build and perfect institutions and a synchronous legal environment to promote digital transformation and green transformation in tourism; Establish legal standards and codes of conduct in the digital environment to form a digital society.

Thirdly, develop a digital infrastructure that connects securely at high speed in real time.

Fourthly, promote human resource development, advance the advantages of internet users and mobile devices to form a digital society.

Finally, promote public investment activities focusing on framework infrastructure, essential infrastructure, promoting and advertising of tourism products and services; international travel links and connections. Take public investment, attract private investment and foreign investment.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam suggested that the Forum focus on discussing cooperation mechanisms to establish a connection system to develop digital content, platforms to support advertising, promotion, and linkage of tourism activities to open up tourism activities, potentials and strengths of the industry; strengthen cooperation in training and development of tourism human resources; participation of digital businesses in tourism development, opportunities to influence digital transformation, sharing experiences in developing digital infrastructure, digital technology solutions in tourism, applications of digital technology in tourism management.

Overview of the Forum (Photo: TITC)
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha called on the Governments, ministries and branches of all countries to strengthen cooperation and association in the development of tours and tourist routes, the natural and cultural potential of each country, creating opportunities for businesses to exchange and share experiences on digital transformation in tourism; connecting tourism ecosystems and tourism resources; connections between countries.

With its position and role in the economy, smart tourism and digital tourism must be one of the main driving forces of Vietnam's digital economy. The Vietnamese Government hopes that Tourism will be among the leading industries in national digital transformation, creating new development for the Industry and bringing inspiration to the whole country in digital transformation, emphasised Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha.

* Tourism Information Technology Center
* Tags: MOCST,   Ho Chi Minh City,   Forum,   digital transformation,   tourism industry,   Deputy Prime Minister,   Tran Hong Ha,   Minister,   Nguyen Van Hung,

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