Tuesday 5 April 2022

Inome Window - the heart shaped window

This Instragram-famous heart-shaped window can be found at Shoju-in, a temple with a history of 800 years located near Uji in Kyoto Prefecture.

Known as Inome Window, it is believed to prevent disasters and bring happiness. Also nicknamed the ‘Window of Happiness’, its shape is actually based on the 1400-year-old Inome (meaning boar’s eye) pattern, which coincidentally looks like a heart. 

The best time to catch a perfect heart-shaped sunlight through the window framing the garden outside is around 4pm on a sunny day in mid-August to early September. 

After photographing the window, don’t forget to look up: the ceiling is decorated with gorgeous paintings of Japanese flower art.
#tradition #JNTOSG

Japan National Tourism Organization
Instagram: visitjapansg
Website: japanbyjapan.com
Website: japan.travel/en/sg

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