Sunday 23 August 2020

What's New in the Heritage City This August…

Beers, bubbles and brunchAt the newly renovated Ipswich Turf Club, a new Beers, Bubbles and Brunch event is being held.

The date is set for August 23, there will be live entertainment by Ally and Sarah plus a selection of decadent foods on offer. The turf club hopes to hold these monthly is demand is there.

Numbers a limited, tickets are $50 per person call 3282 1500 or email

Trains are running again
The diesel loco at the Queensland Pioneer Steam Railway is running pulling the heritage carriages.

In August they are running Saturday and Sunday August 15 and 16 from Swanbank on a return journey.

This Covid safe train ride is limited to 80 people only to maintain social distancing with family groups of more than 8 getting their own carriage.

This is a 50 minute service ideal for young families who wish to have a safe day out, enjoying the park facilities.

Queen of Cupcakes is on hand with a wide selection of picnic ready food also.

The heritage bus will be operating on Saturday taking visitors to the Cooneana Homestead, a short 10 minute trip from the station.

Takeaway continues
Top Ipswich restaurants that pivoted during covid restrictions to start doing takeaway will continue to do so.

Restaurants like the Prince Alfred Hotel, Pumpyard, Bakehouse Steakhouse and more will keep offering takeaways even though people can now dine in.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, with the businesses saying there is demand for quality takeaways.

See updated article here on tourism operators who are still doing takeaway:

Content is free to use. Reach out for specific operators contact details.

Contact Carly Morrissey 3810 7712

Brisbane Street Art Festival
Six walls around Ipswich have transformed as part of the Brisbane Street Art Festival. With a seventh currently being worked on by local Indigenous artist Rachael Sarra.

Festival Director Lincoln Savage said the city’s unique blend of rich heritage combined with the reinvigoration of its CBD presented the perfect canvas for new public art works.

“The Ipswich city centre provides a unique canvas for artists to create large scale public artworks to enhance the urban space through expressive dialogue,” he said.

“The diverse curated program of local and interstate artists intends to highlight the local culture and history along with developing new stories and conversations for the future of the city.

“The public engagement program will provide opportunities for skills development of local artists and a chance for the public to meet and interact with the artists while they are installing their works.”

Artist Rachael Sarra said there was a lot of excitement around the opportunity to contribute to the heritage city’s evolving street art scene.

“Having the opportunity to create work in the city I’ve grown up in is really exciting. It’s great to be able to see art and culture reflected in our communities,” Ms Sarra said.

The Brisbane Street Art Festival Ipswich program is presented in partnership with the Regional Arts Development Fund, Coates Hire and Dulux.

Contact Brenton Waters 3810 6784

New camping spot proves popular
Only recently opening for camping, Ivory’s Rock has already proved popular for weekends away and as a destination to go for school holidays.

When launching Ivory’s Rock, the team also launched new guided tours, the only way to get into the property and close to the rock itself. Ivory’s rock offers powered and un-powered sites and bunk rooms. There’s private ensuites for campers and the bunk rooms - and fire pits for to help stay cosy.

Contact Beck Black 0416 027 979

Jacqui Bell attempts to set a fastest known time in Ipswich
Jacqui Bell is the youngest person in the world to complete a marathon in seven continents. After her major achievement in 2019, and a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 border shutdowns, Jacqui is returning to her hometown of Ipswich to tackle the 161km Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. This major marathon is taking place Wednesday August 12 and Thursday August 13, when she will be crossing the finish line at Riverlink Shopping Centre, Ipswich.

Jacqui has conquered extreme terrains ranging from 250km’s of desert in Namib, Africa, to hiking through the ice surfaces and Antarctic tundra at the mere age of 23. Jacqui began her ultra running journey to overhaul her mental health battles which she promotes by supporting charities like the White Cloud Foundation, raising $23,000 for the organisation since her marathon journey began.

During COVID, Jacqui’s overseas racing was put to a halt. Jacqui began to look locally at what challenge she could take on. Unlike the multi stage ultra marathons, Jacqui will be attempting the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, a huge 161kms in one go.

The aim is to set a (FKT) Fastest Known Time Unsupported by running the entire length of the trail solo without any support. This event will begin Wednesday the 12th of August and Jacqui is aiming to complete the enormous trail run by Thursday the 13th of August. Jacqui will be crossing the finish line at Riverlink Shopping Centre, Ipswich between 12pm and 3pm on the 13th of August. Jacqui welcomes the family, friends and the wider community to come support.

Jacqui is excited to showcase the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, an amazing stretch of land in her own backyard. Jacqui is hoping that her run will showcase the sights of Brisbane and the trail to inspire others to get out and explore these areas themselves whether they be walking, riding, horseback or simply a visit.

Jacqui has the support of Discover Ipswich, The Somerset Regional Council, Jaybird, Adrenaline Australia, Brooks, True Protein and Red Bull.

To follow Jacqui’s journey, follow her on instagram, @jacquiabell to watch the marathon unfold.


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