Friday 21 August 2020

Vienna issues ‘Safe Stay’ seal

Vienna's Ferris Wheel 
The seal an EU-affiliated travel portal for European Best Destinations, had Vienna one of the ‘20 safest travel destinations during Covid-19’.

The city appeared on the list due, in part, to the actions of the Austrian government who were quick to implement lockdown s across the country in March. 

Vienna's Ferris Wheel has been turned back on, after stopping for the first time in its 75-year history, and attractions, such as Schönbrunn Palace and the Tiergarten, the Spanish Riding School and the Belvedere museum have reopened.

Vienna’s hotels are also introducing a raft of specific measures across six categories within the new Safe Stay seal regulations.

The Austrian Professional Hotel Association and the Vienna Tourist Board are supporting accommodation partners with Safe Stay, a new accreditation seal developed specifically for Vienna.

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