Wednesday 9 December 2015

Thailand MICE Venue Standard - New Initiative to Drive ASEAN MICE Industry

The development of Thai MICE operators is one of the TCEB’s main missions. TCEB realises the importance of having an effective tool to measure service excellence and quality - especially for MICE venues - in order to elevate MICE services and standards for operators in Thailand and ASEAN. The standardisation will serve as a guideline for investments, operations & management, and marketing support. The standard also helps create a good image for organisations and builds customer confidence in Thailand’s MICE standard.

Mr. Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), revealed that “To develop the competitiveness of Thailand’s MICE standard, Thailand’s MICE Venue Standard or TMVS has been developed under cooperation with all related parties in the MICE industry, including academics, operators, organisers, service providers, and customers. This ensures that the TMVS requirements were set up with agreement from all parties. We have also applied the requirements developed by the global leading MICE institutes and other international MICE standards. Therefore, those obtaining the TMVS badge of honour will gain global acceptance which creates a good image and enhances the international competitiveness of Thai operators more effectively."

Following the execution of Thailand MICE Venue Standard (TMVS) in 2013, there are 80 MICE venue operators participating in the project, of which 42 passed the criteria and have been certified. There are currently a total of 114 meeting rooms certified with TMVS. To advance the Thailand MICE Venue Standard project and enable its efficiency, continuity and sustainability, TCEB has formulated “Thailand’s MICE Venue Standard Model Scheme for 2015-2020” that includes six core strategies.

Mr. Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of TCEB, commented that, “The master plan was conducted based on in-depth research that integrated qualitative databases with SWOT analysis which shaped our vision, mission and strategies to create model MICE venue standard. The six key strategies under the masterplan include: Strategy 1 - Improvement of Thailand’s MICE venue standard (TMVS) to meet international standards; Strategy 2 - Development of human resources related to TMVS; Strategy 3 - Advancement of IT systems for TMVS; Strategy 4 - Public relations and marketing promotional activities for the TMVS; Strategy 5 - Support the AMVS (ASEAN’s MICE Venue Standard) and; Strategy 6 - Mobilise the MICE Venue Standard towards sustainability.”

Meanwhile, TCEB will propel progress towards achieving Thailand MICE Venue Standard (TMVS) in ASEAN or ASEAN MICE Venue Standard (AMVS) Category: Meeting Room. Moreover, TCEB has proposed the issue to ASEAN for further consideration. Discussions of the ASEAN MICE Venue Standard and ASEAN Meeting Room Standard will take place continually in order to allow exchanges of opinions and achieve the standard soonest. Every country in ASEAN should abide by the ASEAN MICE Venue Standard as the regional standard. The ASEAN MICE Venue Standard is expected to be validated so that assessment of regional meeting rooms can begin within two years.

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