Thursday 8 February 2024

2024: A Year for Sustainable Mekong-Wide Travel

The year is shaping up to meet GMS’s stakeholders’ high expectations. As 2024 will be the first full year for regional travel since 2019, we at the MTCO are working to make sure that today’s positive signals bear fruit in the months to come.

On 28 January, we signed off on a new strategic partnership between Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA), Green Destinations (GD), and the Trade Association of Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN).

This partnership will promote sustainable tourism practices in Thailand, particularly in destination management and certification. “We aim to develop tourism destinations that are not only economically viable but also environmentally and culturally sustainable,” explains Ms. Suvimol Thanasarakij, Executive Director of MTCO.

From 23-26 January, we attended the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2024 in Vientiane, Lao PDR, focusing on sustainable tourism. As part of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), which includes five ASEAN Member States, the MTCO Executive Director highlighted MTCO's achievements and proposed collaboration areas between GMS and ASEAN at the ASEAN National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) Meeting. The ATF also featured discussions among ASEAN Tourism Ministers on advancing tourism and promoting ASEAN Tourism Standards to boost regional competitiveness.

Events like these signals widespread optimism surrounding the recovery of tourism in the post-pandemic era: we’re hoping these signs indicate a long-term, sustainable revival of regional travel that benefits everyone!
* Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO)

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