Thursday 6 October 2016

Jidai Matsuri Festival

Saturday 22 October 2016 

Jidai Matsuri Festival is one of three Kyoto's most important festivals. 

The procession starting with soldiers of the Bakumatsu (the end of the Edo period) proceeds Kyoto's main street of autumn with playing flutes. 

Then it proceeds to the Edo period, Azuchi Momoyama, Muromachi, Yoshino, Kamakura, Fujiwara, then to Enryaku. 

Each era's costumes will be worn by the participants. A colorful, exotic costume party dedicated to the Old Capital's 1,100-year history from the 8th to 20th century. 

The 2-km procession which consists of about 2,000 people (including 70 horses, 2 cows, carriages) departs from the Imperial Palace and slowly makes its way through the streets of Kyoto taking about 2 hours. 

The fantastic range of authentic historical costumes worn by the participants will fascinate audience.

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