Tuesday 3 May 2016

Samoa's tourism destination is safe for all travelers.

That's the word from the Samoa Tourism Authority in Apia, following widespread media coverage about natural disasters hitting Pacific destinations.

“Our sympathies go out to the families and victims of the two super cyclones that hit Vanuatu last year and Fiji this year. At the same time we would like to clarify that Samoa was not affected by these disasters, nor the forecasted cyclone that threatened us last weekend,” Samoa Tourism Authority Marketing & Promotions Manager Dwayne Bentley said.

“Samoa was preparing for the worst with Cyclone Amos and given the misfortunes suffered by our brothers and sisters in Vanuatu and Fiji, we knew we were going to face similar circumstances.

“Fortunately for us the cyclone caused very minimal to no damage, no lives were lost and our tourism industry remained unscathed.”

South Pacific Tourism Organisation Acting Chief Executive Alisi Lutu said they were glad that Samoa managed to escape the effects of a natural disaster and assured travelers it was safe to travel to Samoa.

“Many times we have had people accidently roping in all Pacific Island nations into one not understanding how far apart our island nations are located, separated by vast masses of ocean hence the need for such clarity.

“We will continue to reinforce this message through our communications to our visitors, media and travel partners she said.

For more information, contact:
Robert Matau
South Pacific Tourism Organisation

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