Wednesday 4 June 2014


The Barangaroo Delivery Authority has released an invitation seeking Registration of Interest (ROI) from operators and tenants in the arts, cultural, civic, community and educational sectors for Central Barangaroo.

“The Authority is encouraging submissions from the broadest range of interests to promote diversity, excitement and create a truly unique destination for Sydney,” said Authority CEO John Tabart.

Located between the headland park and Barangaroo South, Central Barangaroo (5.2ha) will be the public heart of Barangaroo. “The precinct will combine civic and cultural attractions with recreational, residential, retail and commercial uses to deliver an exciting and unique range of public and cultural activities stimulating all those who experience it,” Authority CEO John Tabart said.

“In releasing the Registration of Interest the Authority is seeking responses from organisations offering uses and activities that will activate Central Barangaroo. This is a great opportunity for cultural, artistic, civic, community and educational organisations as well as commercial and retail tenants and operators, who feel they can contribute to the shaping of a diverse and vibrant precinct.

All those interested in being part of this exciting opportunity are encouraged to register their interest on the Authority’s website –

In responding to this ROI, organisations will need to demonstrate their proposition and how it meets the overall objectives of Central Barangaroo. All submissions should also detail the potential use of space through the day, night and weekend and the organisations structure, experience and capability in similar operations.

The Authority also encourages organisations to read the development EOI document at

Submissions for Registrations of Interests close at 2:00pm, Wednesday 25 June 2014.

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