Wednesday 21 May 2014

2nd PATA China (Beijing) Chapter Board Meeting

The 2nd Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) China (Beijing) Chapter Board Meeting was held at Shichahai, Beijing, gaining great support from the Beijing Xicheng District Tourism Development Commission, a PATA Member. About 20 delegates, including executive board members attended the half-day meeting, and held discussions on the re-election of a new PATA China (Beijing) Chapter Chairman and how to better operate the Chapter.

PATA China Chapter (Beijing) has always paid close attention to and supported PATA in China since its official launch in 2011. The Chapter has successfully held three China Responsible Tourism Forum, established four Student Chapter in cooperation with PATA member Universities and organized a series of student forums and competition, receiving wide attention and support from tourism industry, academia and the government.

Mr. João Manuel Costa Antunes, PATA Chairman, delivered a warm welcome speech at the beginning of the meeting, expressing his sincere appreciation for the enthusiasm, efforts, and the consistent support of the Chapter board members. He also gave valuable advice and suggestions on the Chapter building.

The re-election of a new Chapter Chairman is one of the key issues. PATA China (Beijing) Chapter Chairman and Vice Chairman would be nominated and voted by secret ballot after discussion. Ms. Kate Chang, Regional Director of Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board, was elected Chairman and Mr. Bo Li, Deputy Managing Director, Vice Chairman.

Ms. Chang, original Regional Director – Greater China of PATA, after being elected: said that PATA is a powerful platform. Through which I hope we would do our best to make it better and more vibrant. She also mentioned Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board will continue to make more contribution as a PATA member.

The board meeting not only promotes exchange and understanding among board members, but also increases the communications between the Chapter and PATA China Office. It also reinforces the base of the Chapter organization and determines the development path of the Chapters.

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