Tuesday 4 February 2014

Transparent Mysterious creature found in New Zealand

A mysterious creature caught itself in the nets of a Fisherman in New Zealand. The see-through shrimp like creature was spotted by the fisherman Stewart Fraser swimming near the surface of the ocean.
Fraser told reporters that the shrimp was a translucent mysterious creature which cannot be seen unless you spot a strange orange blob insider the gelly like body.

Deborah Cracknell, research lead from the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, said that the creature was a Salpa maggiore (Salpa maxima). Paul Cox, who is the director of conservation and communication at the aquarium, added that not many are aware of the salps and they are typically found in colder seas.

He added that salps are barrel-shaped creatures that move by contracting, pumping water through their gelatinous bodies. He said they strain the water through internal feeding filters, feeding on phytoplankton from the upper sunlit layer of the ocean and they have an interesting life-cycle with alternate generations existing as solitary individuals or groups forming long chains.

As per the tourism perspectives, New Zealand is keeping its momentum attracting tourists through various niche tourism. The mysterious shrimp might allure a few visitors who hunt adventure, who knows.

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