Wednesday 31 August 2022

Congratulations! Atsuko Goto ACJ2022 Winner!

In the sauna, the “heat wave master” warms the user with a towel to deliver the scent and heat.

The Aufguss Championship Japan, which competes for techniques and originality, was held in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture from July 4 to 9, and Ms. Atsuko Goto, who is active as a Tottori Sauna CEA, performed brilliantly. Won! 

Ms. Goto gave a performance based on the theme of Yamata no Orochi, which Susanoo no Mikoto exterminates in Japanese mythology, and overwhelmed the audience with images that made use of the scenery of San'in. 

In an interview after returning to the prefecture, he said, "I was able to put together the best parts of the San'in area in my performance. I want to aim for the top ranks at the world competition that will be held in the Netherlands in September." 

Tottori Prefecture will continue to promote sauna tourism!

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