Thursday 20 January 2022

Son La strives to become a safe and attractive destination

Son La Province expects to become a safe and attractive destination in the Northwest Vietnam. Recently, Son La Provincial People's Committee coordinated with Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) held a conference to discuss safe and flexible adaptive solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic in Quynh Nhai District on December 28.

Conference attracted the participation of 120 delegates from VNAT, travel businesses, tourism associations of provinces and cities in the country, representatives of the people's committees and departments in Son La, and media agencies.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Ms. Trang Thi Xuan, Standing Vice Chairwoman of Son La Provincial People's Committee said Son La is a Northwestern mountainous province, located on the poetic Da and Ma Rivers. The province is likened to a region of Bauhinia variegata flowers in the Northwest, with 12 ethnic groups living in harmony, with cultural identity, many festivals, traditional craft villages and attractive cuisine. Son La has Moc Chau Plateau with fresh and cool climate, beautiful natural landscape which is planned to develop into a national tourist site with an area of ​​1,500ha. The province also owns 43,760 km² Son La Hydroelectric Reservoir with hundreds of islands and islets forming a complex ecology of great value for tourism.

In the 2016-2020 period, Son La welcomed nearly 10 million tourist arrivals; tourism revenue reached VND 6,482 billion. But the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the local tourism activities. Many travel agencies stopped operating, hotels had to close, and tourism revenue was severely reduced, seriously affecting the province's economy and society.

Faced with that situation, the province issued a plan of tourism development in Son La to 2025, with a vision to 2030 with specific solutions. Accordingly, Son La strives to become a safe and attractive destination in the Northwest; building unique, professional and sustainable tourism products; taking the potentials and advantages of natural resources and human resources, preserving and promoting the cultural identity of the ethnic groups to develop tourism. Son La has set a goal that by 2025, Moc Chau will be recognized as a national tourist site, becoming one of the leading tourist destinations in the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region; orientation of building tourism plan for Son La hydropower reservoir to become a national tourist site.

To achieve that goal, Son La wishes to receive the suggests and orientation of the VNAT, the tourism associations, and tourism businesses to design solutions to help the locality restore tourism business in the context of the "new normal", safely adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthening the communication on typical features, advantages, unique tourism products, local attractive cultural identity to lure tourists to Son La more in the near future.

At the conference, Son La Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism presented the solution to safely adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, unique product development, promotion links and safe tourist destination. Representatives of Quynh Nhai District People's Committee and World Investment Fund Joint Stock Company shared Quynh Nhai tourism potential and the ideas of ​​developing high-class tourism.

Besides, the participants contributed many important ideas about solutions to help Son La recover tourism in the new context. Leaders of units under VNAT have made specific suggestions for the locality in promotion, tourism management, tourism development planning; VCCI presented solutions to improve the environment, etc.

On this occasion, VNAT chose Son La to launch the domestic tourism program with the theme "Safe travel - Full experience".

Before that, in two days 26-27 December, 2021, VNAT organized a famtrip to survey Son La Hydroelectric Reservoir in Quynh Nhai District.

Tourism Information Technology Center
Tags: Son La, safe travel, attractive destination,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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