Friday 3 July 2020

YHA partnership with TechCentral at Railway Square, Sydney

YHA is proud to be part of the Central Precinct Renewal Program in Sydney, including rejuvenation of the area around Railway Square YHA.

In partnership with technology company Atlassian, YHA is integral to a major urban regeneration project, that will create a vibrant new precinct centred around a 'tech hub'. A striking environmentally friendly building is proposed for the new Atlassian headquarters, that will also incorporate tourist accommodation currently provided at Railway Square YHA (8-10 Lee Street, Sydney).

Plans proposed to the NSW Government include preserving the unique building which houses Railway Square YHA – formerly the 'Inwards Parcels Shed' of Central Station. Built in 1904, this heritage-listed former industrial space opened as a YHA backpacker hostel in 2004 and will be fully restored to its former glory under the redevelopment. YHA will have a youth hostel with nearly 500 beds in the new building above the historic 'Shed'.

The proposal for the TechCentral precinct is supported by YHA as a means to transform this part of Sydney's Central Station into a world-class innovation hub, whilst retaining affordable accommodation in the area for visitors from both Australia and overseas.

Paul McGrath, CEO of YHA Australia, said “Many of today's travellers are 'digital nomads', combining work with adventures in other countries. There is a natural synergy between YHA's guests - who are part of an international tech-savvy community - being co-located within a dynamic tech hub around Central Station and Railway Square in Sydney.”

YHA is a not-for-profit membership-based organisation, and part of the world's largest youth hostel network, Hostelling International, with over 3,000 properties in 60 countries, including 68 unique places to stay in Australia.


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