Friday 3 July 2020


The natural wonders of Port Stephens will feature at the heart of a new joint tourism campaign, designed to inspire young active couples to book a trip to the region.

Destination NSW has partnered with Destination Port Stephens to develop the new Incredible By Nature destination brand and marketing campaign.

Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres said the NSW Government is committed to supporting the recovery of regional NSW.

“When work on this co-operative marketing campaign commenced, we couldn’t have anticipated the challenges that were to come in 2020, particularly for the tourism industry,” Mr Ayres said.

“New South Wales is recognised globally for its breathtaking natural scenery and attractions, and one of the best places to experience this is in Port Stephens with its coastal bushland, undulating sand dunes, a spectacular rocky coastline and pristine beaches.

“Driving visitation to regional NSW is one of the best ways we can help our state to recover from the crippling effects of bushfires and COVID-19 and Incredible By Nature shows just how many extraordinary experiences there are to enjoy right on our doorstep.”

Destination Port Stephens successfully applied for matched dollar-for-dollar funding from Destination NSW under the 2019 Regional Tourism Fund (RTF) Co-operative Marketing Program to create and implement the new destination brand and marketing campaign.

Destination Port Stephens Chairman Andrew Macdonald said Incredible By Nature captures the essence and spirit of Port Stephens beyond the awe-inspiring scenery.

“The seascapes and landscapes here are an idyllic backdrop for the many amazing experiences that feature in our campaign - from quad biking and sandboarding down the largest moving dunes in the Southern Hemisphere, to swimming with wild dolphins and hiking through bushland to the top of Mount Tomaree,” Mr Macdonald said.

Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer said it’s the ideal time to launch a campaign that puts the region top of mind for travellers and helps to reboot the local visitor economy.

“The people who live in Port Stephens and the visitors who return year-after-year know just how incredible this place is by its very nature, from the many, one-of-a-kind natural assets,” Mayor Palmer said.

This week Destination Port Stephens Chairman Andrew Macdonald, Minister for Tourism Stuart Ayres, Destination NSW CEO Steve Cox and Mayor of Port Stephens Ryan Palmer put the campaign in motion through unveiling the wrap of a light rail vehicle on the Sydney Inner West (Dulwich Hill) line with Incredible by Nature campaign imagery (photo above).

Read the full media release.

Destination NSW

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