Thursday 21 April 2016


The Gosford City Poppy Project is happening again, and this year it is popping up at Terrigal Skillon.

The Brainchild of local historian Merril Jackson, Poppy project: ‘Never Forgetting the Sacifices’ encourages the community to come together in memory of those who have gone before.

The poppy field forms a symbol of respect to show that the service and sacrifice provided by men and women of our nation, past and present, is rembered and appreciated.

Gosford City will retain a significant part of the Poppy Project. The hedge mesh created for the 2015 Gosford Poppy Park display will again feature this Anzac Day within Gosford War Memorial Park.

Each year, the Poppy Project (depending on community grant availability) is planned to be located at different spots across the Central Coast. This is to emphasise both the vast area of the Gosford district from which men enlisted between 1914 to 1918 and to demonstrate that multiple locations were linked to the first world war and not just one conflict or locality.

So please pay your respects out at The Skillon until the 29 April.

Brisbane Water Police thank the organisers and volunteers who make this project such a special and beautiful demonstration of what Anzac Day is all about.

(Photo courtesy of Matt Bendt Photography)

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