Sunday 10 April 2016

Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical now on at State Theatre in Sydney

The cast and original Seekers
The Seekers are a well known group from Australia that hit the big time in the 1960's. Their songs became number one hits, not only in Australia, but also around the world.

Their fame did not happen instantly overnight, but was a journey. This journey of how one woman and 3 men formed the Seekers and took the world by storm is told in the new musical "Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical" that opened in Sydney last Wednesday night to a packed theatre.

It was preceded by a Red Carpet where a collection of well known celebrities walked under the spotlights and to the accompaniment of flashes of cameras. To the delight of the gathered crowds the original Seekers arrived to be guest of honours. They appeared on stage at the end of the performance to the wild applause of the audience.

"Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical" is a joyous celebration of the Seekers as a much loved singing group, of the 4 individuals who are a part of the Seekers, and the hit songs that the Seekers brought to Australia and the world. Songs such as "Georgy Girl", "The Carnival is Over" "Morningtown Ride", "I’ll Never Find Another You" and "I am Australian" all went to the top of the charts.

Judith Durham joined with Athol Guy, Keith Potger and Bruce Woodley to form the Seekers. From humble beginnings singing in coffee lounges in Melbourne in 1962, they sailed to the UK in 1964. Their songs became Number 1 hits and they went on sell out tours around the world until the group disbanded in 1968. They each went on to their own solo singing careers, but they reformed for their 25th and 50th Anniversary tours.

Athol Guy
"Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical" condenses more than 50 years of the Seekers history of highs and lows in an entertaining 2 hour show. It is a collection of the Seekers greatest hits strung together by dialogue that is sometimes humorous, sometimes thought provoking, and sometimes sad.

The remarkable thing about this musical is that the four cast members who play the four Seekers sound very much like them. Pippa Grandison, who plays Judith Durham, is the standout star. She has the voice and gestures of Judith down to a tee. The three men are played by Phillip Lowe (Keith Potger), Mike McLeish (Bruce Woodley), and Glaston Toft (Athol Guy). They bring the unique vocal arrangements of the Seekers to life with the harmonies of their folk ballads.

The other cast members help bring the story of the Seekers to life. Adam Murphy, who plays Judith's husband Ron Edgeworth, narrates the story. Then there are Judith's parents and sister and the other key people involved with the Seekers success. They are backed up by an ensemble of singers and dancers.

Keith Potger
The stage is surrounded at the rear and on the sides by opaque panels that are lit up with projections and graphics to highlight the scenes and moods of the songs. Sometimes these are soft and subdued, other times they are bright and pulsating. The other set components are a staircase that leads up to a balcony across the back of the stage, and minimalist furniture pieces of tables, chairs, beds and TV cameras. These are backdrop pieces that making the singing the highlight of the show.

"Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical" is an entertaining piece of Australian theatre that everyone should try and get along and see. The singing, dancing, and acting by all on stage are a delight to the ears and eyes. The show helps retell the Seekers rise to fame and emphasises their well deserved place in Australia's music history.

When: Now until Friday May 27
Where: The State Theatre and Box Office, 49 Market St, Sydney
Buy Tickets:
Georgy Girl Website:
Seekers Website:

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