Saturday 15 February 2014

Visitbritain’s ten milestones on Facebook’s tenth birthday

As Facebook celebrates its milestone anniversary on 4 February, VisitBritain, the national tourism agency, takes a look at the top ten landmark achievements of its Facebook page Love GREAT Britain - and the subsequent impact on inbound tourism.

1. Launched on 17 December 2009, the page reached 1 million fans by 17 March 2013 and currently has just under 2 million fans (92% overseas).

2. 38% of people using the page say it made them stay longer than originally planned in Britain.1

3. 41% of people across the world using Love GREAT Britain went from a ‘possible’ visit to a ‘certain’ one.

4. After viewing the page, 44% financially committed to a trip to Britain.

5. Length of stay in Britain of Facebook users is more than double (18.5 nights) the average visitor (7.4 nights).

6. Provisional figures show that Love GREAT Britain’s activity has the potential to contribute towards over 44,000 extra nights across the UK.

7. Indian Facebook fans deliver the highest incremental spend out of all markets at £643,000, followed closely by Brazil and USA at £556,000 and £335,000 respectively.

8. Huge spikes in activity and increase in followers around campaigns on the latest James Bond SkyFall film, Harry Potter, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and The Olympic Torch Relay/Opening Ceremony.

9. Olympic Opening Ceremony activity generated over 118,000 likes.

10. Provisional figures show that Love GREAT Britain has the potential to contribute £3.7 million in additional spend across the UK. (April 2013 – 31 December 2014)

Joss Croft, Marketing Director at VisitBritain said: “Our Love GREAT Britain Facebook page has quickly developed into vibrant and valuable community for VisitBritain to interact with potential visitors and create new tourism business for Britain. Capitalising on the Royal Wedding, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the birth of Prince George and of course the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we were able to seed and inspire online conversations, ensuring the attention was firmly set on Britain.

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