Tuesday 9 April 2013

Malaysia International Tourism Exchange 2013 (WITM – MITE)

Why WITM-MITE 2013

In response to the increasing demand from international tourism companies to showcase their best, WITM-MITE 2013 will be an expo of opportunity not only for the nation to showcase Malaysia as a preferred tourism destination but also showcase the host country being truly Asia at heart. WITM-MITE 2013 is the perfect opportunity for tourism organizations, tour operators, travel agencies, airlines, hotels, investors in the tourism sectors and related industries, around the world, to introduce themselves to the Malaysian market and open up doors to regional travel and leisure business under one roof.

WITE-MITE 2013 main objective is not only to create an event aimed at promoting the impressive tourist attractions in Malaysia, but also promote interconnectedness throughout the world, a significant opportunity for industry players to know and stay informed on the latest industry updates. Furthermore, this event intends make the country such an ideal holiday destination and to attract investors to invest in Malaysia.

Apart from attracting investors, this exchange will also involve marketing tourism services and building up a good network of business contacts for the trade. This major event will certainly be of interest to investors, tourism and travel trade members. As for the consumer market capitalization, WITM-MITE 2013 is seen as a good avenue to attract the general public to take up the various travel promotional packages available during the 4 days fair. It would be worth the effort to be part of this Mega Tourism Event of the Year in Malaysia!

Benefits of Participation

  • To provide platform of opportunities for the growth of tourism in the country
  • To provide networking, cooperation and business opportunities between entrepreneur and businesses in the tourism sector
  • To encourage increased spending in the community generated from visitors or tourism businesses which can directly and indirectly promote the viability of local businesses
  • Promoting economic diversification through tourism operators who play a role in highlighting the broad prosperity that tourism can bring to a community and will contribute to a greater understanding and respect for the value of tourism.
  • Showcase your company infrastructure both for local and international visitors through increased tourism activity
  • Community identity and pride can be generated through tourism. A positive sense of community identity can be reinforced and tourism can encourage local communities to maintain their traditions and identity.
  • Promoting environmental benefits through your company products and services which will enhance the reputation of the tourism business, particularly ecotourism.

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