Friday 3 December 2021


Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan this week released for consultation a proposed strategy to rebuild and reimagine Australia’s visitor economy.

“Australia’s recovery from COVID-19 is gathering pace, with travel restrictions continuing to ease and we prepare to welcome back visitors from Japan and South Korea,” Mr Tehan said.

“Prior to COVID-19, the visitor economy was Australia’s fourth largest export sector, valued at $166 billion and directly employing more than 600,000 people.

“Australia is still a leading international tourist destination, with world-class experiences, passionate tourism operators, highly-skilled workers and top-quality education providers.

“The Morrison Government is working with the sector to ensure our tourism industry is set up to succeed over the coming decade, and that’s why our Government commissioned a panel of experts, led by former Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson to develop a strategy for enhancing the visitor economy.

“The panel consulted extensively across sectors and identified three key ingredients for the future success of Australia’s visitor economy: the need to diversify markets and products, modernise business practices, and collaborate more closely.

“I invite tourism operators, state and territory governments and impacted sectors to have their say on the proposed THRIVE 2030 strategy to help make our sector even stronger.”

Feedback on the strategy is open until 23 December 2021. To review the proposed THRIVE 2030 strategy, visit

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