Sunday 7 March 2021

ThailandPlus App to enable the tracking of foreign tourists in Thailand

All foreign travelers who have received the certificate of entry to Thailand are now required to download a new application, called "ThailandPlus,” before they arrive in the country.

The Thai government has introduced this new application, as Thailand prepares to open its borders to the world and promote the Special Tourist Visa (STV) long-stay program for non-Thai citizens.

ThailandPlus was developed jointly by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Prime Minister’s Office, through the Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization). It will create confidence among foreign tourists about their health and safety and help contain the spread of COVID-19 infection.

With this application, the authorities will be able to reach out to individuals sooner and will also alert local officials, if there is a high risk of transmission. Thai embassies and consulates overseas will provide foreign visitors to Thailand with information about how to download ThailandPlus.

ThailandPlus functions like the Mor Chana app, but it will link to information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regarding the certificate of entry of the arriving foreign tourists, for screening and tracing, from their arrival in Thailand.

It is similar to a GPS system, as officials will know the whereabouts of the tourists during their stay in Thailand. In case any of them are found to have contracted COVID-19, action can be taken immediately to prevent the transmission of the disease.

The authorities said that the application would not infringe on the visitors’ right to privacy but would enhance COVID-19 tracing.

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