Friday 23 August 2019


  • (You and me and a bike named Boo – apologies to 70’s band Lobo)

Pushbikes are a welcome edition when cruising the rivers of Europe. Cycling through some of the most charming villages is a healthy way to see each region’s highlights and to have a break from ship life.

On a recent CroisiEurope cruise on the Rhine from Basel to Amsterdam during a day stop at Breisach, we decided to bike it and take in places of interest of this magnificent village on some dedicated and some not so designated biking tracks. Sid, the bike shop proprietor apologised profusely as he had run out of bikes but on second thoughts he offered the bamboo bike singing its praises. “There is a fabulous 17 k wine track out through the forest; take the bike and tell me how it performs.” he said. The experience was a no brainer. The bike was fantastic, very strong durable and comfortable.

Natalie Hahn the Sales Manager for the German bike manufacturing company explains the concept and success of the program.

“We are a young company from Kiel in North Germany which develops and produces bicycles made from the sustainable raw material bamboo.

Our company "My boo" succeeds to combine social engagement, an innovative product and sustainable economic activity all at once.

Our frames are produced under fair working conditions in Ghana/Ashanti Region and provide jobs for about 35 men and women.

Our partner in Ghana produces the frames of sustainable bamboo, harvested in the local areas. Proceeds in Ghana are reinvested in local educational programs, providing jobs and future for many Ghanaians.

We started distributing our bicycles this year in the UK and have 15 local resellers so far.

The online catalogue and more information is on our website. In addition there's a link below to our media Dropbox to check out the brand” She said

Back on the boat to resume this relaxing CroisiEurope cruise rich in history. We continue to visit famous castles, churches plus monuments and the gentle cruising mood envelopes passengers as they relish the 353 nautical mile (653 k’s) cruise on one of the world’s great rivers.

On this cruise the staff without exception were outstanding and professional, always bright and chatty and nothing was too difficult as they took on multiple tasks regularly changing uniforms. CroisiEurope packages include all meals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in the dining room and at the bar (except top shelf), on board activities, headsets on excursions and free Wi-Fi.

Like My boo the bike manufacturing company, Croisi Europe have been at the forefront of ecological practices. All ships are equipped with water savers, engines encompass the latest European anti-pollution standards and most of the ships have electricity saving devices. Paper, plastic and glass are compacted on board for re-cycling, ecological and biodegradable cleaning products are always utilised. Both companies are leaders in ecological practices.

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