Tuesday 7 June 2016


This Winter, Healesville Sanctuary launches a brand new exhibit, KOALA FOREST. This amazing new experience opens on Saturday 25 June, just in time for the school holidays.

Celebrating the most iconic of Australian species – the Koala – Healesville Sanctuary will have more on display than ever before! Take a journey high into the treetops where the exciting new boardwalk weaves around the best view ever of these carefree tree climbers.

Not only can you see the true tree huggers of the world living the high life at Healesville Sanctuary; you can also visit them and have your photo taken with them. They are our fussiest of feeders – and you can learn why they prefer to dine on some gum leaves over others. With the cushiest job, sitting on their bums all day nestled into perfect branch forks, snoozing for up to 19 hours a day, this is the high life indeed!

At our brand new daily Koala Keeper talk, come and hear us bust some of the many myths about the quirky Koala species.

The Wurundjeri tale of Kuboroo the Koala has been whispered through the Manna Gums from generation to generation. This local creation story will be shared in a very special way.

Kids can climb like a Koala, test their balance and nestle into a branch fork to plant their bony bums, just like a Koala does. Try doing the Koala walk, hand over hand.

We’re not “ekidning” either because Echidnas will be part of KOALA FOREST too with their very own dedicated exhibit.

Climb on board to come and see our Koalas like you’ve never seen them before!

KOALA FOREST is part of a three phase development to showcase Australia’s most iconic species - we can’t wait to unveil it!

Kids under 16 years old visit free during Victorian school holidays, Victoria public holidays and on weekends!

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