Sunday 18 October 2015


Up to $113 million of corporate incentive events have been secured by Business Events Sydney (BESydney) for 2016 and 2017, with a new event secured this week, the Cathay Life Taiwan Summit, expected to bring 2,200 delegates to Sydney next year.

BESydney Chief Executive Officer Lyn Lewis-Smith confirmed the strong forward pipeline of events.

“This year BESydney has secured incentive events for NSW, spanning sectors including insurance, technology, finance, automotive, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and direct selling,” she said.

Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer Sandra Chipchase said, “Sydney has beaten fierce international competition to win the Cathay Life Taiwan Summit, which returns to NSW after more than 10 years. Securing this Summit for Sydney demonstrates the success of BESydney and Destination NSW’s combined efforts to promote the strengths and unique attractions that make Sydney one of the world’s leading destinations for business events and conventions.”

BESydney has secured 146 events to take place between January 2015 and December 2023, worth up to $404 million in direct expenditure.

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