Tuesday 3 February 2015

2014 China outbound self-driving travelling report

Chinese travel social network Mafengwo.com released its 2014 China outbound Self-driving Traveling Report. According to its data, Chinese outbound self-driving travel has distinctive regional feature. First tier cities Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen take two-thirds. With the cheaper cost of self-driving travel, travelers with annual income within 150,000RMB takes a quarter.

1. Regional distribution: 

First tier cities take two-thirds. According to the date, outbound self-driving tourist were mainly from first tier cities while travelers in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Chongqing and Sichuan provinces also increased quickly. The self-driving clients are mainly industry experts, executives and middle managers and business owners in 25-44 age group. The data shows, 4 first tier cities takes 60.94%, Zhejiang takes 5.01%, Jiangsu takes 4.24% while Sichuan takes 3.56%.

2. Self-driving cost reduced: 

annual income within 150,000RMB travelers are the main force. The annual income within 160,000 to 250,000RMB clients takes 25.7%. Income within 260,000-500,000RMB takes 28.5%. The lower group with about 150,000RMB total income takes about a quarter. With the reductive self-driving cost, lower middle-income group became the main force.

3. Destination

First choice for Chinese self-driving tourists is USA. But data shows the number dropped to USA and South East Asia while Europe and Oceania increase quickly.

Source: China Marketing Consultancy Limited

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