Tuesday 11 February 2014

Something positive about orangutans in Sabah

The Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project (KOCP), located in Sabah, Malaysia is constantly striving to protect habitat and initiate innovative ideas to help wildlife. TOP has provided $15,000 to Hutan to support the Wildlife Warden programme in 2013-2014. The Wildlife Warden teams monitor and protect the wildlife and habitat within the Sanctuary and they also engage in community outreach and conservation programmes in the area.

One of the objectives of the programme is that levels of degradation and fragmentation of orangutan habitat are reduced through improved land use management. Over the last six months the following activities have been undertaken to assist in this area:

  • Creation of the Keruak Corridor (acquisition of privately owned land for conservation purposes) to link two isolated patches of forest that are used by orangutans during their movements along the Kinabatangan River.
  • Three orangutan bridges were built in September 2013 across small rivers and tributaries to reconnect isolated orangutan sub-populations.
  • Two orangutans that were completely isolated in a small residual patch of forest within an oil palm plantation were rescued and translocated to another part of the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary.

These photos (courtesy of Hutan) show a bridge in the initial construction phase and a wild male orangutan using the specially designed rope bridge to travel to another area of forest. It’s very satisfying to see this project being so successful. Keep up the great work Hutan team!

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