Tuesday 4 December 2012

Canadians Entice Aussies with 'Best Of' Video

In a unique marketing venture by the Canadian Tourism Commission, thousands of Canadian residents helped create a rocking two-minute trip across Canada, launched today in an effort to entice international visitors to experience this unique destination.

Dubbed the 35 Million Directors Project, genuine Canadians contributed videos, photographs and portraits of all that makes Canada a fun and unique destination.
"No one knows better than Canadians how to show off this country," said Greg Klassen, CTC senior vice-president of Marketing Strategy and Communications. "That authentic perspective provided us with the fresh and personal glimpse of the Canada we were looking for, one that comes from our roots and is real.

"We're keeping the momentum going by connecting with communities across Canada and asking them to share the video with their friends and family abroad, extending the invitation as widely as possible."
More than 8000 videos and photographs poured in, following the CTC's call-out to Canadians for user-generated content, shot on devices like smartphones and personal cameras.

These real-life portraits reflect the true essence of Canada, including beautiful landscapes, food (and more food), bears - and bare feet. Professional directors worked with the content to produce the final, polished result.
The video is being rolled out through social channels, as well as being featured on the front page of all CTC's international websites, sending consumers an authentic invitation from Canadians.

Tweet #exploreCanada: http://ow.ly/eGjfo

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