Monday 3 June 2024

Zen and Thrills: Relaxation or Adrenaline?

Sonoma Zipline Adventures
Relaxation and adrenaline can coexist through experiences like zipping along a 1,500-foot-long zipline through coastal redwood trees on a Sonoma Zipline Adventure tour in Occidental. Attend a Star Party at Robert Ferguson Observatory in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park near Kenwood, or a Getaway Adventures tours like Russian River Bike and Kayak and Ace It Bike, Brews and Ballooning tour.

A secret and also not a secret; Bodega Bay is well-known for being a hotspot for whale and birdwatching. The annual gray whale migration along Sonoma County's coast peaks during the winter months. On weekends from January through Mother's Day, volunteers from the Whale Watch Public Education Program are at Bodega Head to answer questions and share their knowledge of whales and migration.

Similar to whales, birds have a migration route and Bodega Bay sits directly in their path. Typically, media can spot Albatross, Northern Fulmar, a variety of Shearwaters’, Petrels, Cormorants, Phalaropes, Jaegers, Gulls, Elegant Tern, Common Murre, Pigeon Guillemot, Cassin’s Auklet, and dozens more. Experiences can be arranged for guests at Dawn Ranch. Guided tours are offered by Sonoma County birding clubs or you can check out spots on your own. Don’t forget your binoculars!

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