Tuesday 21 July 2020

Mekong Tourism Newsletter July 2020

It's mid-July, and by now, everybody has understood, that the current COVID-19 pandemic has not only hit the travel and tourism industry very hard, but will also change our lives for the foreseeable future. What has happened over the past few weeks at Mekong Tourism? We have been busy. Here is a recap with our Top 12 initiatives:

1. We launched the Mekong COVID-19 Innovations platform in partnership with Mekong Institute, to curate projects and initiatives from the region. Please share any projects that you think should be added. Visit https://www.destinationmekong.com/projects/mekong-coronavirus-innovations/, or read more about the program in our announcement.

2. Together with the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar, we decided to postpone the Mekong Tourism Forum in Bagan to February 25-26, 2021. More information will soon be available at www.MekongTourismForum.org. While nobody can predict the future, we do hope that we will be able to meet in the beautiful UNESCO Heritage town in a few months.

3. We created a dedicated members-only online community for our Experience Mekong Collection businesses, and organized our 1st Experience Mekong Collection Members-Only Virtual Meeting, and the 2nd members meeting will happen later this months. Our efforts to support small businesses in the Mekong Region has been recognized by the UNWTO, and we set up a special page to help businesses that are asking for donations or selling vouchers.

4. We opened public voting to determine the 2020 Experience Mekong Showcases. Final voting is open until August 15th at https://www.destinationmekong.com/ems2020/. Please see the Experience Mekong Showcases of the past two years here.

5. We joined the Global Climate Change in Tourism campaign #BendTheTrend, organized by the SunX Program, and launched by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). We also joined the One Planet Global Plastic Tourism Initiative, organized by UNEP and UNWTO. Climate change and plastic pollution remain top priorities for us, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

6. We were invited by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to give a video message to the virtual UN Global Compact Leaders Summit.

7. Chaired by the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar, we had our 45th Mekong Tourism Working Group & MTCO Board Meeting - first time ever virtually. Discussions were focused on collaboration during COVID-19, and I was honored that the member countries extended my contract for the 4th term.

8. We hosted the 1st of a 2-part Webcast series for the global travel trade, about travel and tourism updates of the Greater Mekong Subregion, in collaboration with Travel Mole. Watch the recording at https://youtu.be/p988wQqylZs. The 2nd part will be published on August 5th.

9. We organized eight Mekong Tourism Advisory Group (MeTAG) Meetings. Please see the recordings below for your convenience:
> 3rd Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://youtu.be/DtFqLiTyoq4 (Country Updates: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar)
> 4th Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=598734434100459 (Strategy Discussion with Ms. Anna Pollock)
> 5th Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://youtu.be/EqOeBWCXnIc (Country Updates: PR China, Thailand)
> 6th Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://youtu.be/xNJ6xV89Sec (Strategy discussion with Prof. Geoffrey Lipman)
> 7th Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://youtu.be/gzyV0CAzlF8 (Country Updates: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar)
> 8th Mekong Tourism Advisory Group Meeting - https://youtu.be/MM0n92W-qRw (Country Updated: PR China, Viet Nam)

10. The deadline for the first batch of nominations for the Mekong Heroes program has passed this July 15th. We will now look at the nominations, and discuss with our Mekong Heroes Selection Committee (chaired by H.E. U Htay Aung, former Minister of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar). All existing nominations will be rolled over to the next phase, which is starting today. Nominate at: https://www.destinationmekong.com/initiatives/mekong-heroes/

11. Supported by the UNWTO, we will organize our 1st Destination Mekong Summit, as a virtual half-day event on August 25th, with a focus on actionable items for businesses in the GMS. Registration is free at https://www.destinationmekong.com/dms2020/

12. We continue to update our Corona Virus resources information:
> Corona Virus Resources and GMS countries updates: www.mekongtourism.org/coronavirus-update
> Corona Virus Government Policies: https://www.mekongtourism.org/coronavirus-policy-updates/
> GMS Tourism COVID-19 Status Infgraphics: https://www.mekongtourism.org/the-4th-info-graph-of-the-covid-19-travel-situation-in-the-mekong-region-as-of-july-13-2020/ (4 info-graphs so far)

Finally, since April, we have been working on our new collaborative #MekongMemories social media campaign to promote the Mekong Region for #TravelTomorrow, and our Mekong Deals platform for businesses in the region to promote their deals and offers. We hope to be able to launch these exciting initiatives very soon, and will invite any organization and business, regardless of size and type to join and participate for free. Stay tuned...!

I am also excited to invite you to Part 1 of our Experience Mekong Collection Webinar Series: “Practical learnings and actions during COVID-19 – How to survive and how to prepare for recovery” on Thursday, August 23rd at 3pm ICT. Hear from three businesses from Thailand, PR China, and Myanmar about how they have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This new webinar series is free, please register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlde6hqzsuGdYeu75REVNH0T-GWJsA2al9

With this, I wish you a good week. Please stay healthy and take care of your family and employees. As always, please feel free to reach out - we love to hear from you!

Kind regards,
Jens Thraenhart, Executive Director
Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO)

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